- Posted on : October 15, 2019
- Industry : Corporate
- Type: Blog

Authored by S. Ravi Kumar, Technology Advisor
Did you participate in “Hacktoberfest 2019?” Infogain is sponsoring a Meetup event to celebrate this years’ Hacktoberfest. The event is open to all developers from the Delhi NCR area who participated in Hacktoberfest 2019. This is a great opportunity to get together and talk about your open source projects from the event. The Meetup will be held on 9th November 2019 at Infogain India Pvt. Ltd., A-16, Sector 60, Noida.
Learn more about the 2019 Hacktoberfest here.
Register here to join us for the meetup!
Hacktoberfest (Hacker fest in October) is an annual global community event and a month-long online celebration of open-source software development. The objective is to support and celebrate open source, by giving back to the open-source community. Hacktoberfest welcomes all participation from beginner to expert. Here are some advantages for participating in Hacktoberfest 2019:
Learn new skills: Open Source is a great teacher! With an open community, the opportunity to learn is vast. While working on an open-source framework or library, you may encounter a new scenario from that framework/ library that you have not visualized for your application. This is now possible, because someone else already did it, and shared it with the community.
Make it better: This could be your golden chance to improve your favorite framework, language or a library. This is especially beneficial if you use any of these to develop client applications or come upon an issue which is not supported by that certain framework or the library. This is your chance to share the work you accomplished to fix that issue and it may be included within the framework itself.
Showcase your skills and build your reputation: The applications that many IT professionals work on are typically their clients’ intellectual properties. Often, there is no way to share info about this work or the skill they possess. However, contributing to an open-source platform is the key! Any and all contributions whether it is development, documentation, testing or promotion, you are free to share the link with anyone.
Grow your professional network and mentorship: While working on an open-source application, framework, or library you get the opportunity to connect with many likeminded people, and to learn from their experiences. You also get an opportunity to share your own experiences, and “give back” by mentoring them, so they can grow in their careers.
There is always the Goodies! Hacktoberfest is full of the coolest goodies – all the companies participating in Hacktoberfest 2019 give away many kinds of goodies or “swag”, like t-shirts, mugs, trophies etc. which you can show off 😊.
Here are a few open-source projects from Hacktoberfest 2019 that we have curated for you:
- Jenkins open-source project
- Puppet open-source project
- UNO open-source project
- Xamarin open-source project
The complete list of all the projects is available for download at Hacktoberfest here.
Are you ready for the Meetup at Infogain? After participating in Hacktoberfest, mark your calendar and join us on 9th November 2019.
Register here
Have questions? Contact S. Ravi Kumar
Happy Hacktober Fest!